March 1, 2010

I Trust You...

So, I've been meaning to blog for sometime now, but a bit scared to. Scared in a sense that if I write what I feel publicly, then I will have to FULLY address it rather than do the typical Eden and tuck it away.... that is until I literally burst! ... and Lord bless my friends that have ended up in the line of fire.

What made me start today? I really don't know, but nonetheless, I'm starting...

"I Trust You" ... I can't tell you how many times I've heard James Fortune's "I Trust You" in the past week let alone the past few months! The past few weeks have trully put my Trust in Him to the test. I know God will not give me obstacles or situations that I can't handle, and believe me I'm one of those "I can handle anything" kind of females, but maaaaan I've never felt so weak as I have this past week. But in that time of weakness, I've trully never felt more Blessed.

For everything that I have seen in my life, the good and the bad, I trust God more and more each day for that which I have yet to see. Although sometimes I feel lost, broken or confused, God has always lifted me back up.

Lord, I don't know what you have planned for me, but I Trust you will prepare me and guide me through each situation in life. The past few weeks (especially today) has been a roller coaster of a ride (emotionally, physically and spiritually), and it may just be the beginning, but I know you will be there with me through it all, because most of all....

I Trust You.